# Support Procedure

First, forward the client's support request into the Dev Team Project here in Basecamp (opens new window) (or email in your own request if it was a phone call).

# Triage the Issue

Determine the urgency of the issue, whether major or minor:

  1. Down Time
  2. Showstopper
  3. Minor Issue or Bug
  4. Out of Scope

For Down Time and Showstoppers, we drop everything and get on it immediately.

For Minor Issues or Bugs, we send an email to the client and schedule a review for our next available window.

# Downtime

  1. Confirm that the server is down yourself. If you cannot confirm the downtime yourself, it may be the client's internal network, their internal DNS, or their firewall.
  2. Check for known connectivity issues at Linode (https://status.linode.com/ (opens new window))
  3. Try to ping the server from your computer using the Native Mac App, Network Utility
  4. Try to SSH into the server
  5. See if Laravel Forge can connect to the server via SSH

# Resolutions

# Showstoppers

We define a showstopper as a major bug or issue preventing a user from achieving their purpose on the website. For example, I can't fill out the contact form, I can't put items in the cart, there is a visible error message on the page, etc.

  1. Describe the issue
  2. Confirm the bug for yourself
  3. Backup the production database and export it into local development
  4. Recreate the bug in your local development environment
  5. Fix the bug in local development
  6. Deploy the change to production
  7. Test the fix in production

# Minor Issues

A minor is something relatively trivial, such as a visual alignment, typo, something not working as the client expected, or a client training question.

Minor issues will be addressed at our first commercially available opportunity and addressed with the same process as above.

# Out of Scope

If a client requests support when nothing is objectively broken, we can:

  1. Elect to spend our time at no charge to resolve it (15-30 minutes max)
  2. Provide a statement of work for design & development services.
Last Updated: 3/25/2021, 6:42:18 AM