# Philosophy
Our team is less interested in adhering to strict code standards and more about following a sound coding philosophy:
Prioritize clarity and readability - keep every solution as simple as possible
Only use an abstraction if it adds value - such as preventing repetition
Minimize dependencies - remove every dependency that's not absolutely necessary
Avoid premature optimization - make it work first, then make it performant if there is time and budget
Comment a lot - you'll thank yourself later
Don't refactor unless there is a return on the time investment - resist the urge to recode something that works just because there is a better way or a new cooler technology
You can't learn it all - pick your frameworks and stick with them (Craft, Vue, etc.)
Approach the new and shiny with caution - stay with the pack and use the most common software everyone is using (or at least software that has a proven community)
Avoid hype - the underlying technology of the thing you are building doesn't matter as much as the thing itself and how well it works (especially to the client)
Remember the user and what they want - if your user's experience isn't good, it doesn't matter if the site is running the latest javascript library
Put yourself in your clients shoes - they don't care about technology - they don't understand why something is hard or easy on a technical level
Happy coding!
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